Player creates insane Mario Maker level and spends 1,500 hours trying to beat it
After 1,500 hours of trying, he still hasn’t completed the level.
After 1,500 hours of trying, he still hasn’t completed the level.
Kaizo levels in Super Mario Maker are some of the hardest and are usually only beaten by their creators and a handful of other people. This kid absolutely nails it.
The two versions are pretty, pretty, pretty similar.
Here’s what to expect from the 3DS version of the Mario level building game.
One guy decided to pop the question to his girlfriend with the help of Super Mario Maker.
Hello Kitty is headed to Super Mario Maker through a new event course you’ll be able to play tomorrow.
Super Mario Maker has now sold 3.5 million copies and has more user-created courses than you will probably ever play.
The Ice Climbers duo Nana and Popo are coming to Super Mario Maker starting tomorrow!
Both Splatoon and Super Mario Maker were heavily awarded by the magazine, but Splatoon took the Game of the Year award.
One Super Mario Maker fan has made an entirely new Super Mario World game, featuring 40 user-created and themed levels.
Nintendo has updated their guidelines for Mario Maker courses, but they’re not as descriptive as they could be.
A man from Scotland challenged GameCenter CX host Shinya Arino to beat his Super Mario Maker level for a bottle of whiskey.
Super Mario Maker 1.40 update brings several new features, including several key items to help level creators create more puzzle levels.
Super Mario Maker is getting a big update next week that brings several new features.
Super Mario Maker is getting a Wolf Link costume likely unlocked by the Wolf Link amiibo.
One YouTuber is showing what Super Mario Kart looks like when 101 people race together.
Super Mario Maker now has the original three starter Pokemon available as costumes, with event courses starring each.
You can now buy Super Mario Maker inspired candy in Japan.
With more than 6 million user-created courses now under its belt, Super Mario Maker is shaping up to be a content-heavy game.
Super Mario Maker is offline until tomorrow night due to a bug in the game’s Create mode.
A user has managed to create a bullet hell level for Super Mario Maker using item overload lag.
The latest event course in Super Mario Maker gives you a Yamamura costume should you complete it.
Super Mario Maker is getting two new costumes soon, including original sounds from their respective games.
Watch Takashi Tezuka build a Super Mario Maker level for Miyamoto-san to conquer.
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