Talented Super Mario Maker level creator, Braden “ChainChompBraden” Moor, has built the ultimate Mario Maker level. It’s so “ultimate” that even he hasn’t completed it yet, and he’s tried hundreds of thousands times, spending over 1,500 hours trying to beat it.
And he still hasn’t beaten the level, which is called “Trials of Death” and was created some 18 months ago. That’s because the level is utterly insane, as the video above shows. He reached the final stage of of the level several times, but never managed to go all the way.
Which puts him in a tough spot, because you can’t upload and share your level with others until you have beaten it yourself. Mario Maker has a limit of 8 minutes to beat a level, and his needs every second of that.
And despite the constant setbacks, he’s not giving up.
“I’m always seeing people say that it’s never going to happen, and that the whole thing is just hopeless. That’s just an extra exciting reason for me to beat this level” he said in an interview.