Ucraft returns Wii U exclusive after failed Kickstarter


Fans of Minecraft who own Wii U have been asking Mojang for ages to bring their game to the Wii U, but with the recent purchase of Mojang by Microsoft to the tune of $2 billion dollars, it’s more unlikely than ever that the game will never see light of day on the console. That hasn’t stopped some developers from stepping in and trying to fill the space for a sandbox playground, however.

Nexis Games began showing off screenshots of a Minecraft alternative game for Wii U, called UCraft. After enough hype was generated from press about the game and the possibility of a Minecraft-like game showing up on Wii U, the developers took to Kickstarter to attempt to raise funds to help create the game. The Kickstarter failed massively, with the campaign only raising around $1200 of the asked $20k. Because of that failure, the developers stated that UCraft would have to go multi-platform in order to be released.

However, today the developer announced that they’re returning the game to a Wii U exclusive title. Here’s what they had to say about this development:

For the past 7 months I have given up my life and focused all of my time, money and energy solely on completing UCraft. During this time I feel that not only have I formed a bond with UCraft but also with the entire Nintendo Community. As a result of this new found kinship I have come to the conclusion that putting UCraft on anything other than Nintendo Platforms doesn’t feel right because UCraft was originally promised exclusively for the Wii U. I am not someone who goes back on their word so with that said, UCraft is and shall remain exclusive to Nintendo Platforms. The Nintendo Community (Our community) has deserved a quality Sandbox title to call our own for quite sometime and this holiday season we will finally have it! Welcome to the World of UCraft!

As always thank you for your support and we hope you all have as much fun playing UCraft as we have had creating it!

A Christmas release for the game could be interesting if it turns out to be a valid alternative to Minecraft, but given the direction of the Kickstarter so far, it seems not too many people are interested in the success of this game. What do you think?