The Chief of Memes at Twitter, Elon Musk himself, has wasted no time in shaking things up. After a cost-cutting rampage that included firing top executives and laying off a large percentage of staff, Musk quickly implemented an $8/monthly subscription to obtain the heralded “blue check” for verified accounts.
Is it a genius money-making scheme? Irresponsible billionaire playing dangerous games? Whatever you think, no matter your political affiliation, there is one age-old conflict that “Twitter Blue” is accentuating: iPhone vs Android.
Twitter Blue is currently for iOS users only, leaving Android users in the dust, and Apple fanboys frothing at the mouth making memes about basement dwellers without $8 to spare.
When will Android get Twitter Blue?
How long it takes Twitter to launch Twitter Blue to Android users remains to be seen, but buckle up- the entire fate of Twitter seems up in the air as Elon Musk seems dead set on running the company like a nimble, risk-taking startup rather than one of the world’s largest and most influential companies.
Judging by recent moves from Mark Zuckerberg, maybe Twitter is in more capable hands than we give credit. Until the inevitable happens.