Print Friendly & PDF: the best way to organize content for printing from Chrome

The internet has opened possibilities, it is the pinnacle of communications. An infinity of articles is at our reach, but we don’t always want/need to stick to our computers for reading. More so than printing, the use of e-readers has become one of the most convenient ways to take our digital reading content where we please. And this is where an extension like Print Friendly and PDF comes in handy.

This extension allows you to create a “printer friendly” document from the internet content you are current viewing. Simply click on the extension button and a pop-up overlay will display the site’s writing and images as they would look printed. From there, one can simply click on the parts that are unnecessary to remove them. This usually includes ads, links to other parts of the site and sometimes certain images. Some of these can be unnecessary, and a waste of ink and paper if one is printing the content.

After you have cleaned the article (or any content) up, the interface gives you the option to print, save as PDF or e-mail the page. It is really that simple. That is not to say that it is perfect, though. I have noticed the tool does not work perfectly for certain sites. This must be related to the way images and other site features are coded, though. In general, it should work with most articles and writing you run into.

I have been mostly using it to convert longer articles into PDF files and saving them to my Google Drive. From there, I simply open them in my tablet or smartphone later on, wherever I am, and read on. You could also transfer these to a Kindle or any e-reader for easier reading, or our fellow old-fashioned friends could even print the pages out. Regardless, it is a very convenient and fast way to take your internet content out of the computer, without having to take many steps (like copying and pasting, saving the page and converting it, etc.).

You can download the extension straight from the Chrome Webstore. Hey, it’s free, so you might as well take advantage of its goodies!

Chrome Web Store: Print Friendly & PDF