Fastest Chrome extension: Why surf the web when you can fly through it?

Fastest Chrome is easily one of the most helpful extensions I have used in a long time. It is definitely a must for anyone that works from a computer, or for those that want a faster and more convenient Chrome experience. But how exactly does Fastest Chrome make your browsing faster?

This extension offers a variety of tools and shortcuts that allow you to skip processes that would otherwise take more time. My favorite feature is Endless Pages. It automatically loads a website’s next page as you scroll down. For example, if I search for “Chromespot” in Google, I can then simply keep scrolling down infinitely, with pages showing up continuously. This saves you the time and efforts of loading pages one by one. And while it seems like it wouldn’t be a big deal, it makes a huge difference.

Other features include the ability to find a word’s definition simply by highlighting it. One also gets the option to search the selected word(s) with any search engine of choice. And if you are shopping around, it is also possible to hover over a product’s image and get results from other online retailers.

As a person that works with a computer all day long, I have definitely noticed a huge improvement in productivity. I find myself clicking much less, as well as loading pages less frequently. There seem to be no noticeable issues or bugs, so this one is definitely a Chrome Spot recommended extension.

The developer has created a handy video that walks you through the extension. Check it out and let us know what you think! Are you a Fastest Chrome user? Do you find it as useful as I do?

Chrome Web Store: Fastest Chrome