Chrome OS Dev now let’s you chat with friends by searching their name

Google is really working on implementing its services to all of Chrome and Chrome OS. This is great if you are invested in Google’s products, as the experience can become complete if accessed system-wide. The latest cool Hangouts feature comes to Chrome OS Dev users, who can now chat with their friends by simply searching them!

And I don’t mean searching them online, I mean searching them via the Chromebook’s laptop search function. All you need to do is press the ‘search’ key, type in your friend’s name and click on the hangouts icon that will appear next to him/her. It’s really that simple.


Of course, as mentioned above, this is still a Chrome OS Dev release feature. It will have to be turned on by enabling the experimental People Search feature. You can do this by going to chrome://flags/#enable-people-search.

If you are using the stable Chrome OS version you will have to wait until Google is ready to roll this feature out to everyone. Until then, let’s just open Hangouts the old-fashioned way.

[François Beaufort]