Chrome for iOS updated to version 27: improved voice search and performance

chrome-ios-voice-searchChrome for iOS has just been updated to version 27 and it brings some awesome improvements. Of course, we have the usual performance improvements and bug fixes. Pages also reload faster now, but the most exciting feature will be tucked right next to the omnibar. Chrome’s iOS Voice Search has been improved to be more similar to Google Now.

One can now tap the microphone next to the address bar and a Google Now-like interface will show up. From there, simply ask your questions and Google will respond to you with voice if a card with the answer is available. If not, Google will simply search what you asked. I tested it with an iPad Mini, so you won’t get the same experience with an iPhone. It will be similar, though.

It was very good as a searching assistant. I wasn’t able to set reminders and other tasks that Android’s Google Now offers, though. You can get Chrome for iOS from the app store or simply update from your device. Enjoy!
