Chrome 29 Beta brings browser video chats and audio production


Chrome Beta users are getting a nice treat today. The beta channel is getting updated to version 29, which comes with a good list of upgrades that will improve your experience and push the web further.

Web Audio and WebRTC

The biggest additions include Web Audio and WebRTC for Android. Web Audio allows for developers to create powerful audio production web apps, possibly even professional. WebRTC allows for communication between devices via the browser. You can even test video conferencing and chat with your friends straight from Chrome Beta for Android.


Chrome packaged apps capabilities

Chrome packaged apps have been improved with multiple capabilities. Google mentions a few: richer access to Google services (Wallet, Analytics, etc.), better OS integration with bluetooth and improved native app communication.

Wrap Up

There are many other upgrades that 99% of the population (including me) will have no idea about. Mostly changes in the coding and backbone, but if you are interested you can always check those out from Google’s blog post on the update.

The update will be pushed out later today. You can get it simply by getting Chrome Beta for Android from the Google Play Store or updating Chrome Beta for desktop.
