Aonuma says Nintendo will be more careful with art styles for Zelda in the future


When The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker debuted, many people were so upset with the direction of the art style that they refused to play the game. Eiji Aonuma, the series producer has confirmed that such a huge jump was a headache for Nintendo and that in the future, the team plans on being more careful about style choices for future Zelda games.

“We encountered an awful lot of problems from the drastic leap we took with Wind Waker. I think we will be a bit more careful in the future, but if we find a new approach that not just the developers, but also the users would enjoy then I think we will want to break new ground again. But we haven’t found such an approach yet.”

Of course, Aonuma confirms that if the team finds a new direction they want to take the series in then they’ll go with it. Wind Waker HD has received a much warmer welcome on the Wii U than it received on GameCube, which means gamers have matured and are able to accept stylistic choices a bit easier than in the GameCube days.