Zoho Loves Chrome Notebook, Wants To Give You One [CONTEST]

The folks at Zoho really love Chrome Browser, Chrome OS and the Cr-48 Chrome Notebook. If you don’t believe us, just check out the the apps Zoho currently has on the Chrome Web Store: 18 apps in total – all of them free! They’ve also been more than testing the Chrome Notebook… for them it has completely replaced their laptop computer. If you want to learn more about Zoho watch the 30-minute video below, or click this link below to jump right to their discussion of the Cr-48.

But Zoho doesn’t want to hog the Cr-48’s… they’ve got a bunch they would love to give to YOU! To win just install one of their apps, open it up, and look for a banner allowing you to enter the contest. You might have to refresh because it doesn’t display on every pageview. For contest details check out the Chrome Notebook Promotion post by Zoho themselves.

Have you used any Zoho products? Let us know what you think in the comments!