Yooka-Laylee is slated for release on April 11th for several platforms including PC, Xbox One, and PS4. The Nintendo Switch will get the game at a later date, but an early preview impression of the game on other consoles suggests that these versions may be having some trouble.
This comes from the latest episode of the Podquisition podcast featuring Jim Sterling and Laura Kate Dale, who both mention they can’t talk about their issues with the game until the review embargo is up. However, both hinted that performance for the game has some issues, with Jim stating “If you’ve looked at trailers and ever thought it looked a bit choppy… yeah yeah, a bit is not quite it.”
What’s interesting about this is this 50 questions and answers about Yooka-Laylee video from GameXplain that may shed some light on some of the issues. You see, Playtonic Games worked directly on the PC and Nintendo Switch versions of the game themselves, while the Xbox One and PS4 versions were given to another developer to port.
In this video one person has the Xbox One version of the game, while another has the PC version of the game. The person with the PC code reports very few issues with stuttering, while the person with the Xbox One version says there was a ton of stuttering and it severely impacts how the game runs.
While this won’t translate to how Yooka-Laylee will run on the Switch, gamers who are interested in the game should keep their eyes on this over the next few days. If it turns out to be true that the issues are purely with the other console versions of the game and not the PC version, that could explain a lot.
[via NeoGAF]