Wii U Daily exclusive interview with the makers of IronFall for the 3DS

When I first saw the tech demo for Ironfall not so long ago I couldn’t wait for it to be released (that still remains to be the case). However, I had many questions to ask the developers behind this ‘Gears of War’ styled shooter, so that’s exactly what I did. Here’s a look at what the developers had to say.

WUD: Is this going to incorporate a multiplayer game mode? Local/online?

The game will have multi only if it is a success (probably a DLC), we are a small team (we are only 3) and we are working on the games since more than 2 years,
so doing the multi now means a 3 years development.

WUD: “What are the inspirations for you to have developed such a game?”

We are fans of Gears Of War, shadow gun, and we wanted to spend time with the 3DS to try to get the best tech of it.
So we decided to do a great engine with a Gears Of War game.

WUD: “It has been described (based on the tech demo) as a ‘gears of war’ styled game, is that the effect you were going for?”

Yes of course, we were curious to see if it could be possible to have a Gears Of War game on the 3DS, it’s a lot of work and we hope we will succeed.

WUD: “How has your experience been working with the 3DS in terms of development?”

With the 3DS we can have total control of the gpu, so we were able to write a new graphic driver all written in assembler in order to have full power of the GPU.
It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun, it reminds us the old demo scene when we were working on the Amiga, you have to find a lot of tricks and each cycle is important.

Being an admirer of Nintendo it warms my heart to see developers put in such great efforts in making games for the Big N! Let us know what you make of this game by leaving a comment below.