Wii U Virtual Console to offer discounts for previous purchases

Satoru Iwata took the stage today for UK’s Nintendo Direct to address some of the issues people have been having with the Wii U console. One of the things he discussed was the Virtual Console, which he confirmed is coming to the Wii U. Titles will be limited to NES and SNES as Nintendo works on getting them ready for distribution on the Wii U. Because the Virtual Console is being offered separately from what’s available on the Wii, Nintendo is offering a discount program for those who have already purchased a game on the Wii.

The games will retain the normal price if you’ve never purchased them before. However, NES games will be discounted to $0.99 if you already own them on Wii and SNES games will be discounted to $1.49. This is Nintendo’s attempt to retain loyal customers.

Additionally, Nintendo is offering a new trial to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of the Famicon system. Certain games will be available for only $.30 cents during the promotion and users can purchase them for that price. The promotion will go on through the month of July, when the Famicon was originally launched in Japan.