Are you happy with the current Wii U virtual console pricing? [POLL]


One of the sticking points for many people when it comes to the Wii U virtual console is how expensive games are. Currently, only NES and SNES games are being released on the virtual console, for a price of $4.99-$5.99 and $7.99-$8.99 respectively. This is in line with what was being charged on the Wii for the virtual console, but for people who already own the Wii version of the games, you can buy the Wii U virtual console version for $1.00 – $1.50.

How do you feel about these prices? Nintendo is currently experimenting with a .30 cent promotion that sees certain titles released for a limited period for just .30 cents. It’s a great deal, but not one likely to be repeated after the initial run unless Nintendo wants to do weekly virtual console sales. So tell us, how do you feel about current virtual console prices and what would you like to see from Nintendo in regards to the future? If you have other ideas, let us know in the comments below.