Wii U toys coming to Burger King on October 25?

In the latest episode of Michael Pachter’s weekly show Pach Attack — yes, that Michael Pachter — he mentioned that fast food chain Burger King will be offering Wii U toys on October 25th, a possible hint for a release date. Now, Pachter isn’t the source for this rumor, it’s simply a question from a Burger King employee who mentions that on Oct 25th, they’ll receive Wii U toys. The reader wonders if this is an indication of a launch date. And Pachter’s reply is simply that he’s getting tired of the Wii U price and launch rumors and won’t comment further until Nintendo decides to announce these things. He doesn’t believe that keeping the price and launch date secret helps the consumer. Nintendo is expected to unveil the final details on the new console at a special Wii U event in New York on September 13.

This wouldn’t be the first time Nintendo and Burger King teamed up. Nintendo did exactly the same kind of promotional deal for the original Wii – there was even a TV commercial for it, offering Nintendo toys such as figurines in kid’s meals.

Check out the full Pach Attack espiode below, which also touches up on things like how currency fluctuations affects video game publishers, how it affects ports of Japanese video games to the Western market, and finally, on console exclusive map packs.