Wii U sells 650,000 software units in one year in the UK

Wii U UK sales

The very latest UK console sales numbers reveal that the Wii U has managed to sell only 650,000 software units (i.e. games) during its first year on the market. By comparison, the Xbox One, which launched only weeks ago, has already sold 475,000 games on the platform.

The Wii U games were outsold by Wii games as well, which sold almost twice as many during the last 12 months. Granted, there are a lot more Wii consoles on the market than Wii Us at this point.

There is some good news, though: Wii U game sales have been increasing steadily since June, and over 88,000 Wii U titles were sold in the UK last month.

The reason for the large number of Xbox One game sales is because the data includes sales of bundled items — games with a console included. This is also the case for any games bundled with the Wii U as well.