Iwata compares Wii U’s Miiverse with Facebook for gamers

Nintendo revealed the Wii U social network, Miiverse, at E3 2012. Miiverse offers features such as status updates, chat, video chat, screenshot and video sharing, and more. Now Nintendo president Satoru Iwata reveals the intentions of Miiverse: to make it a real social network for video games, much like Facebook is for the rest of the world. Speaking to Kotaku, Iwata directly compared Miiverse with Facebook and its “social graph”, saying,

“I feel that we need to create a gaming platform as the place to create that ‘social graph’ for folks who are in gaming circles”

Wii U miiverseIwata added that it’s “very important” for single player games to have a social component. He said they are creating Miiverse for players who “are playing by themselves will not feel like they are playing by themselves”. Adding Miiverse and a social component to single player games — and Nintendo makes a lot of singleplayer-exclusive games — sounds like an excellent idea. A way to connect with other gamers while you don’t necessarily have to play with or against them. Iwata concluded by saying that Nintendo plans to make more announcements regarding Wii U’s online plans — including Miiverse — in the future. Miiverse will be part of the Nintendo Network and all features will be free to use.

Via Kotaku