EA engineer: “Wii U is crap”

Wii U mario fight club
Oh boy. The issues between EA and Nintendo just got even worse. After EA revealed that 15 games are skipping the Wii U (and later confirming that there are no Wii U games in development at all), now a senior engineer at EA has completely trashed the Wii U.

EA’s Senior Software Engineer and Architect Bob Summerwill took took Twitter to trash Nintendo’s new console, saying that “The Wii U is crap”, calling it less powerful than an Xbox 360, with “poor online/store”, and a “weird tablet”. Finally, he said that “Nintendo are walking dead at this point”.

Summerwill didn’t stop there, though. In another Tweet he said that “Nintendo is still operating like it’s 1990, and that they should have done what SEGA did and stopped making consoles.

As expected, his Wii U Tweets caused quite a bit of an outrage among the community. Which is why he has since deleted them. However, we got some screenshots of the Tweets blow.

Wii U tweets

Wii U tweets 2