Wii U Daily MEGA Contest: Week 4 Winner!


We’re wrapping up the final week of our MEGA Contest here on Wii U Daily and our sister sites Xbox One Daily and PS4 Daily. We’ve got all of our lucky winners and this week on the GameFans Podcast, we’ll be picking from those winners the Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4 console winners, so stay tuned for that!

Our lucky winner for the final week here on Wii U Daily was Joe Dorais, chosen randomly from the raffle we held for the final contest. Joe was kind enough to send us a shot of himself for inclusion in this announcement and he included a heart-warming response to his confirmation.


This was Joe’s response to winning this week:

Dear WiiU Daily,

Wow! I can’t believe it. It’s been fun getting to read the posts and meet new people at WiiUDaily.com and the Forums there. Looks like my son is going to be a happy boy on Christmas morning with a copy of Super Mario 3D World!


Joseph Dorais

Awww, we hope you and your son enjoy Super Mario 3D World on us, Joe. 🙂