Wii U concept art leaks in new survey, asks about $300 price

Wii U concept

Some new Wii U concept art has been leaked by an online survey company, who also justified earlier reports about a possible $300 Wii U price point. The survey, done by Global Test Market, a company which does lots of surveys for game publishers (and who first revealed the Goldeneye Wii remake), showed users Wii U concept art and asked whether they would purchase the system if it retailed for $300.

The Wii U concept art itself doesn’t reveal much that we haven’t already seen — it basically shows the key features of the console that we have seen in videos released by Nintendo. However, a $300 price now seems more and more likely for the new system. Wii U Daily was the first to report back in February that the Wii U would retail at $299. Both from a market standpoint and based on the Wii U system specs, $299 is looking like the ideal price for the console. Nintendo has said that the final price and launch lineup will be revealed some time after E3.

Follow after the break for the gallery of Wii U concept art and the survey showing the Wii U price.

Wii U concept art gallery

Thanks to Anand for sending this in!