Wii U can be the preferred platform for core games, says Nintendo

Wii UThird party Wii U support is extremely important for Nintendo, especially now that many claim they have lost the “core” gamer with the original Wii. The main way to get the core gamers is getting the backing of third parties to bring their major franchises to the Wii U. And Nintendo is already succeeding in that category. Ubisoft will be bringing their Assassin’s Creed and Ghost Recon franchises to the Wii U later this year. Activision will bring Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on the Wii U, and EA has a special edition of Mass Effect 3 in the works for the console as well. And that could be just the beginning, according to Nintendo of America marketing executive Scott Moffitt.

Speaking to GameSpot, he said that the Wii U could become the “preferred” platform for core gamers. Moffitt specifically mentioned Call of Duty, contemplating how the Wii U GamePad could help the player de-clutter the main screen while off-loading the map, inventory and so on to the secondary screen on the tablet. This would, according to him, create a more cinematic quality on the TV, since it’s not cluttered with HUD elements and the like. However, he said that Nintendo doesn’t specifically require developers to use the GamePad, they can instead use the regular Wii U Pro controller. But the advantages of using the tablet controller are obvious, of course.

Moffitt also walked Nintendo’s line of “specs aren’t important”, saying that Nintendo focuses on gameplay and their goal this time around is to revolutionize entertainment, just like Shigeru Miyamoto said a few days ago. Moffitt added that the company has no plans of publicly announcing the Wii U specs. Instead, he said, once the console launches, people will likely take it apart, “reverse engineer” it and find out what kind of hardware it’s running on.