Wii Fit U gets massive price cut at Walmart and Amazon

Wii Fit U
If you’d like to get fit for the Summer by using your Wii U, you can now get Nintendo’s Wii Fit U game, with the Wii U Balance Board and and Fit meter for $55 at Amazon and Walmart.

Regular price for the whole package is $90, but Walmart started offering it at a steep discount this weekend, and not to be outdone, Amazon lowered its price as well. Now both retailers carry the $55 price tag. You can find the Wii Fit U package at Walmart and Amazon.

Wii Fit U was released as a digital download to those who had the original Wii Fit board, and as a retail package for the Wii U this January. It includes activities that were featured in previous Wii Fit releases, and new activities specifically designed for the Wii U GamePad.

The package also includes the Fit Meter, an activity meter accessory that retails for $20 separately. The Fit Meter tracks a person’s daily activity and then syncs the data with Wii Fit U for an analysis of how many calories were burned etc.

The original Wii Fit was a huge success for Nintendo and the original Wii, selling an impressive 23 million copies, making it the third best selling console game in history. Its successor, Wii Fit Plus, sold over 20 million copies as well, making them some of the best selling games in Nintendo’s history.

While Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus together sold over 43 million units, Wii Fit U for the Wii U hasn’t been selling nearly as well. In fact, sales has been so muted that Nintendo has yet to release any sales data for Wii Fit U. Hopefully the new deals from Amazon and Walmart will get the ball rolling.

Have you tried Wii Fit U on your Wii U? Is it a game you’d consider buying? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section!