Which feature of the first MK8 DLC is your favorite?

Last week’s Nintendo Direct gave us a direct preview of the first Mario Kart 8 DLC that will be arriving on the Wii U eShop on November 13. Nintendo has had a pre-order deal for both the first and the second piece of DLC going on for some time, which means many fans have already purchased the pack sight unseen. The trailer released during the Nintendo Direct was our first preview of the pack, finally showing off Link’s Mastercycle in full glorious detail.

Now that we’ve seen the Mastercycle and a few of the DLC tracks that are now available, that’s left me curious as to what the fan favorites are? I’ve seen some discussion on the forums talking about the possibility of the Mastercycle becoming canon in actual Zelda lore, so it’s obvious that fans are super excited about that aspect of the DLC.

Many more have discussed how they want to see more Nintendo IPs included in Mario Kart 8, with the inclusion of characters like Link and Samus. Others have gone so far as to suggest a Super Smash Bros. style racing game, in which characters like Sonic, Mega Man, Pac Man and more are racing. Either way, there’s bound to be some part of the DLC that you’re most excited for, so let’s start a discussion. Are you a fan of the retro tracks being included? Hoping to see the ice climbers reborn in Mario Kart 8? Let us know!