Hello? Anyone There? Do you miss ChromeSpot?

The last official post on ChromeSpot was March 28th, some 5 months ago. Since then, we’ve seen a steady stream of e-mails asking where we’ve gone, why we left, and if we’ll ever come back. I want to finally address those questions.


To make a long story short, we stopped blogging on ChromeSpot because we didn’t have the resources. Given our limited amount of time, manpower, and financing, we had to make some hard decisions and ultimately, ChromeSpot became one of the odd men out. This was never the intention, but in refocusing our energy, it become an unfortunate reality.

I miss ChromeSpot. With Chrome market share, Add-ons, extensions, and Chrome OS growing at breakneck speeds, there seems to be a hole in the market for places to find interesting information on the latest developments in Chrome. We weren’t alone with those sentiments: that’s exactly what you folks told us in your comments and E-Mails.

We want to bring ChromeSpot back, but before we do, we want to know what YOU want?

  • Daily posts that reveals every breaking tidbit of Chrome news?
  • Suggestions for add-ons and extensions we think you’ll love?
  • Tips and tricks on how to get the most out of your Chromebook or Chrome Browser?
  • Deals where you can find bargain discounts on devices, software, and accessories?
  • Editorials sharing our opinions about the direction of the industry?
  • All of the above?

We’d love to make it a goal to post at least one interesting article every single day of the week, but before we re-embark on that journey, we want to hear from you.

[polldaddy poll=8263311]

Want to blog for ChromeSpot? We’d LOVE your help in bringing Chrome news, reviews, tips, tricks, tutorials, and everything else Chrome related to the masses. There’s certainly a need for it and we believe ChromeSpot can become THE destination for Chrome related content as the platform continues to grow.