Upcoming Wii U Miiverse features revealed

At GDC in San Francisco, Nintendo revealed a list of upcoming features for the Wii U social network Miiverse. Miiverse producer Kiyoshi Mizuki held a presentation at GDC for Wii U game developers, detailing how to use and implement Miiverse into their games. He also gave a list of new features that Nintendo plans on implementing in the future.

  • Players will be able to follow others, and see who they’re following in-game
  • Ability to send and receive comments while playing a game (in-game)
  • Ability to see “Yeahs” in-game
  • Launch games from posts on the Miiverse timeline/page
  • New features with Miiverse posts, e.g. players will be able to launch into game and specific level from a Miiverse post
  • User-made “sub-communities”
  • Tournament feature — organize and hold tournaments for games.

There’s no release date on when these new features will be available, but Nintendo is hard at work on keeping Miiverse up to date. Recently, Nintendo revealed the Miiverse smartphone app for the iPhone (Android version is coming as well). Check out a new video of the app in action:

What kind of new features would you like to see in Miiverse? Let us know in the comments section!
