Unepic developer releases official Wii U trailer

Unepic is a humorous look at Dungeons & Dragons gaming culture making it an RPG within an RPG and earlier this year the developer confirmed the game would be coming to Wii U. Now that the game is finished, the official trailer for the game has been released.

With a great sense of humor and several RPG elements underneath its belt, the title is poised to be one of the best indie games to hit the Nintendo eShop this year. There’s still no word on a release date yet, but here’s what you can expect to find in the game when it is finally available:

– 2D RPG with 200 rooms to explore
– 7 bosses, 70 spells and 100 weapons
– Funny story and dialogs with references to other films, comic…
– Quests, challenges, achievements and pets.
– Craft your own potions
– 4 levels of difficulty with 3 different ends
– English voices