Ubisoft tweets Watch Dogs for Wii U won’t have DLC, quickly deletes tweet


Hmm. The history of Watch Dogs on the Wii U hasn’t been a good one and the game hasn’t even been released yet. Despite being delayed six months and going up against a huge stream of titles this holiday season, it looks like those who purchase the game on the Wii U won’t be getting any DLC either. The first DLC piece Bad Blood launched just a few days ago, so it makes sense that many are wondering if the Wii U will see this included.

One Wii U fan took to Twitter to ask the official Watch Dogs account and was quickly given this reply:

@snowyday2 Unfortunately, the DLC will not be available for the WiiU_

— Watch Dogs (@watchdogsgame) September 24, 2014

The tweet has since been deleted by the account, but it doesn’t matter because it’s sparked a huge wildfire of rage among those who think Ubisoft plants on releasing the game on Wii U and immediately washing their hands of it. Regardless this is the only official statement we have from Ubisoft and until someone there decides to clarify why the tweet was deleted, we’re inclined to believe that Watch Dogs won’t be seeing any DLC on Wii U.