Two Tribes closing after poor Toki Tori 2 sales, plans to reboot

toki tori-2 wii u

Sad news for Toki Tori fans, as the studio behind the game, Two Tribes, will be shuttering its operations. The former 10 man studio now ceases to exist as it was during development of Toki Tori and Toki Tori 2, mostly due to poor sales of Toki Tori 2. According to a blog post from the developer, the parent company Two Tribes Publishing will remain, but the developer Two Tribes itself ceases to exist.

Studio founders Martijn Reuvers and Collin van Ginkel are the only two employees that remain, while the other 8 have been let go. The post mentions that a new daughter company has been formed that will handle the development of future titles, so it looks like while Two Tribes itself is done for, the two man team behind the initial Two Tribes will be going on to form another team for game development.

It’s a sad day to see Two Tribes have to close its doors, as the Toki Tori series has been around since the Gameboy Color.