Top 10 most wanted Google Chrome plugins


1. Social networking plug ins: Number one is with no doubt the daily use plugins of various social networks. Users would like to see plugins for:, Digg, StumbleUpon and other favorite social networks.

2. GMail plugin: Some thought it supposed to be integrated into Chrome by default, but let’s not forget that Google Chrome is for everyone and company’s policy is don’t be evil. Nether less as one can imagine the early adopters of Chrome are familiar with Google products and want them integrated.

3. Block the ads plugin: Advertising can get annoying, and we want to get rid of it! The question is how will Chrome react to that, after all AdSense by Google is their main revenue.

4. Mouse gestures: Apparently many fellows are addicted to this Firefox plugin that allows you to execute common commands (like page forward/backward, close tab, new tab) by mouse gestures drawn over the current webpage, without reaching for the toolbar or the keyboard…

5. Firebug analog: Developers are unanimously asking for a Firebug analog for Google Chrome, a plugin that lets you edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

6. Noscript: security is an issue and many expressed the desire to get this plugin that allows you to run active content only from sites you trust, and protect yourself against XSS attacks.

7. Bookmarks manager: Chrome bookmarks are just not good enough when you’re used to something better like Foxmarks. Many think a decent bookmarks manager is a must.

8. Media rippers: That will allow you to extract media from web-pages. One of the primary targets for others are various video download managers for embedded content like flash, video and music files.

9. Download manager: Not quite happy with Chrome’s integrated Downloads are the ones used to more powerful solutions and they think it should get looked into.

10. Spell checkers & dictionaries: These tools are a mandatory and developers should get into this firsthand, that is the opinion expressed by some.