Super Mario Sunshine producer expresses interest in making a sequel


With the release of Wind Waker HD, many people have been hoping that Super Mario Sunshine would be the focus of Nintendo’s next GameCube effort, giving it the same polish and HD graphics that Wind Waker HD received. Some people are hoping for a full-blown sequel, which is something producer Takashi Tezuka says he’d like to do. When asked by NZGamer if there was any hope for an HD remake of Majora’s Mask or Super Mario Sunshine, Tezuka replied:

This is my personal opinion, let’s start with that. I mean, of course I wish we could. I personally would like to enjoy those again but I don’t have any information.

Currently Tezuka is heading up the Mario Maker and Yoshi’s Wooly World projects at Nintendo so if anything were in development that he were to be a part of, it would be after these projects are finished.

Would you rather have an HD remake of Super Mario Sunshine, or a sequel?