Super Axe Boy Kickstarter launches with Wii U stretch goal

Described in the pitch video as a “love letter to platform games” in both 2D and 3D, Super Axe Boy’s funding effort is now live on Kickstarter. Indie developer Matthias Falk is heading up the project and just from watching the pitch video, there’s a lot of influence from 3D Mario games Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy, but the game appears to offer some interesting puzzle opportunities, too.

The pitch video is one of the more unique Kickstarter pitches we’ve seen that is actually targetting the Wii U as a stretch goal. The campaign is asking for just shy of $29k in order to create the game, with the Wii U stretch goal sitting at $60k.

While some backers may be wary about Kickstarter considering the failure rate, Falk mentions in the pitch that this game is pre-production complete and just needs graphical polish in order to top it off.

Super Axe Boy has finished its pre-production stage. The game design is written, the main character and core gameplay elements are done, the story is outlined and the game is running smoothly in its game engine already.

As for the story itself, it seems a bit tongue-in-cheek with characters referencing popular movies and sections taken from other classic games. One of the examples on the Kickstarter pitch show Axe Boy and Bebob having a codec style conversation, similar to the Metal Gear Solid series. If tongue-in-cheek humor and a mix of 2D and 3D platforming in one game sounds appealing to you, be sure to check it out.