Wii U Daily Giveaway – Splinter Cell: Blacklist


[Edit: Google has decided that it doesn’t like us doing contests using Google+, so we’ll have to stick to the site for this one. Let us know below who is your favorite stealth character and we’ll carry on from there. Sorry about the inconvenience, guys!]

If you’ve been following me on Twitter or even on Google+, you know I’ve got high praise for Ubisoft’s latest installment of the Splinter Cell series. My review for the game will be going up later today and I’ll be hosting some livestreaming events on Twitch tomorrow, but for now, I’m setting up a giveaway for my review copy.

If you participated in our Pikmin 3 giveaway, you know that we do most of our giveaways on Google+ and it works really well. All you need to do is head on over to our page and +1 and share the post, Comment here on Wii U Daily and let us know who your favorite stealth character from any game is! It doesn’t have to be Sam Fisher or from any Nintendo platform, as there have been plenty of stealth-based games that are great!

The contest will end next Friday, so you have until then to pick your favorite sneaky bugger!

Edit: Just a quick reminder that you’ll need to be based in the North American region in order to win the game, as the Wii U is region locked.