Sony: “Wii U is a very interesting product”

Sony Wii UOver the past year, Sony hasn’t had many good things to say about Nintendo or the Wii U. And we weren’t expecting them to, either, as the two companies have been arch rivals ever since the PlayStation vs. Nintendo 64 days. Recently, Sony has been saying that its PlayStation 3 + PS Vita combination could do what the Wii U does. Which is a silly statement, no matter how you cut it.

But now Sony has a few good things to say about Nintendo and its Wii U. Sony UK’s Fergal Gara told Eurogamer that Sony “respects Nintendo as a highly successful competitor”, adding:

“Of course we will watch what they’re doing with interest. It’s [Wii U is] a very interesting product they’re bringing to market”

Gara also said that he doesn’t expect the Wii U to sell a lot this year beyond the early adopters. But if the Wii U gains traction next year, he says, then “it becomes a more important factor in the mix”.

We certainly didn’t expect someone from Sony to say anything like this. Not everyone at Sony is impressed by the Wii U, though. Sony’s Vice President Scott Rohde said back in June that the PlayStation Vita was better than the Wii U, referring to it as a “box that sits under the TV”.
