New Sonic Lost World trailer shows off the Deadly Six Edition

If you’re excited about Sonic Lost World and the exclusive Deadly Six Edition, check out the trailer above to get a better look at the new Deadly Six Edition of the game that comes with exclusive content. The NiGHTMARE DLC will be an exclusive level that’s accessed by a code included with the game. This content can be played at any point in the game and once the level is completed, players will have access to a special Color Power that’s usually only available through Miiverse.

The above trailer gives an introduction to the Dead Six, including Zor, Zazz, Master Zik, Zavok, Zomom, and Zeena. If you’ve not watched any other content about the game, this is the perfect introduction to the antagonists of the game. The game will be launching on October 22nd in North America.
