Snowcastle Games releases new footage of Earthlock [VIDEO]

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is a title I’ve long been waiting for on the Wii U. The game is a homage to classic JRPG games with turn-based combat and a giant world full of crazy creatures to explore. The team at Snowcastle Games have been quiet with their heads down working on the game since we last spoke to them, but the team was at GDC this year with new footage to share of the game. You can check it out above.

In addition to having some new footage to showcase, the team also has a new veteran game designer working with them. Thomas French joined the team after working at Rockstar North for the last ten years, with his previous projects being Grand Theft Auto 4 & 5.

The only downside to this reveal is that Snowcastle Games has pushed the release date for the title back to Fall 2015 instead of Spring, so there’s a slight delay before we’ll see this game available on the Wii U eShop.