Sneaky Ninja Kickstarter update details Wii U version


Sneaky Ninja is a Kickstarter project that is currently seeking funding with 22 days left to go. The game is described as a 2D platformer with stealth elements, with players having to use a wide arsenal of tools at their disposal in order to escape each level. Today, the team at Starfall Studios released a new update to Kickstarter backers and potential backers, detailing how the Wii U version of the game will work with the GamePad.

Unlike previous Kickstarters that put the Wii U at an impossibly high stretch goal for funding, Wii U support is included in the initial amount asked for by the team. Starfall has already been approved as an official Wii U developer, so all they need to make this goal happen is pledges from people who want to support this type of game.

The first use of the GamePad is the ability to move HUD elements to the second screen, or move everything to the second screen and use Off-TV support. While it’s not particularly exciting at this point, it’s nice to see indie developers embracing the unique aspects of the Wii U. What is interesting is the level editor being proposed so that players can create their own levels. According to the developer, the level editor in Sneaky Ninja will be a fully-featured editor that allows you to create new levels, simply by drawing a few shapes.

It looks like the team is really dedicated to bringing total Wii U support to the game, instead of offering up a lame port that doesn’t take advantage of the GamePad. If you’re interested in supporting the project, be sure to check out the Kickstarter page.