Silver Bird: Twitter Chrome Extension That Does It All

If you’re a tweeting twitterer that can’t stop from twitterizing your latest twitterification, check out Silver Bird, a Twitter Chrome Extension that allows you to access your latest twitter streams directly from your browser bar without all the “noise”. It also shows notifications of new incoming tweets with a handy little number ticker that updates in real-time.

See that bird with the red number on it? Yup, that’s how many actions or events have happened since you last looked at your twitter. Pretty neat feature that also prevents you from constantly revisiting the twitter website to see if anything interesting has happened. Obsessive but a time waster!

The list of features on Silver Bird is extensive and you can see frmo the screenshot how pretty much everything desired can be accessed right from the browser bar. Why don’t we share the list of current features at the time of publishing this article:

Check trending topics right inside the extension;
Support for real time timeline updates;
Upload images from inside the extension; (Chrome 8+ and not yet on OS X)
Change extension’s locale from inside the options page;
Expand the original tweet replies are referring to;
Follow / Unfollow users by using the inline user actions menu;
Browse tweets from a specific user directly inside the extension;
Add and remove timeline tabs “on the fly” using the new right-click context menu;
Create custom search queries that will update automatically;
Preview image links by hovering them (Thanks to Takuo Kitame);
See all your tweets in an unified timeline;
Follow your timelines (including @mentions, lists, DMs and favorites) and navigate through your tweets;
Compose, reply, RT, share, favorite and delete tweets;
Create short URLs within the extension;
Preview shortened URLs before clicking them;
Track read / unread tweets;
Notify user whenever new tweets arrive

I think I can safely say Twitter fans will be more than happy with the Silver Bird Twitter Extension for Chrome. Give it a try!