Shovel Knight reaches Kickstarter goal, sets stretch goals

A few weeks ago I told you guys about a new platformer seeking to come to the Wii u eShop. Shovel Knight is a throwback to the classic 8 bit and 16 biit eras where platformer games like Megaman and Super Ghouls & Ghosts flourished. The Kickstarter has now achieved $75,000 funding limit it set out with and the developers have released a few stretch goals to try and increase their funding. The stretch goals include things like a Linux and Mac version as well as more playable characters and additional music.

As for the Wii U version, that’s in the cards, now that the Kickstarter has been funded. The release schedule for the game is set for September, so it’s not too long we’ll have to wait to see this one in the eShop. If you’re keen on helping out the developers with Shovel Knight, you can check out the Kickstarter here.