Sega explains why Sonic Lost World is Nintendo exclusive


Takashi Iizuka has been on a roll lately discussing Sonic Lost world. First he made mention of how he hopes the game will appeal to Mario fans, but now he has decided to reveal how Sonic Lost World became a Nintendo exclusive title. According to Iizuka, development for Sonic Lost World began on PC and was platform agnostic.

As they began fleshing out the game and its platforming elements, Nintendo revealed the Wii U and Sonic Team decided that the game would fit well on both the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U.

“The Wii U hadn’t been revealed when development began for Sonic Lost World, so we were working on a PC version in order to see what kind of platformer we could make. Then, when we tried to think about which platform would be best for this game, we chose Nintendo.”

It’s interesting that the game wasn’t announced before then, but it’s likely Sega wanted a much shorter period between the announcement of the game and the release date in order to avoid situations like Aliens: Colonial Marines.