Rime runs 720p on Switch in both docked and handheld mode

Rime developer Tequila Works has confirmed that their open-world indie title will run at 720p both in docked mode and handheld mode on the Nintendo Switch. Both versions will also run at 30 frames per second.

The developer has previously said that working on the Switch was hard and more expensive than on other consoles, which is why the game originally cost more on the Switch. It has since come down in price.

Rime has been in development for a long time since its successful crown funding campaign. And the road hasn’t been easy on the developers — Rime creative director said a few months ago that he was crying for days when he read some nasty comments about the game.

Rime will be released on May 26th on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and later this year on the Switch.

Via GameReactor.es