RiME is releasing on May 26 for other consoles and PC, while Nintendo Switch owners don’t yet have a solid release date for the game. We’re also being sold the game $10 more than the other consoles, because the developers say it costs more to produce the Nintendo Switch game carts than other consoles.
Regardless of your opinion on their business practices towards Switch owners, the game does look gorgeous. Grey Box has released a series of developer diaries concerning how the game has evolved from being a former PlayStation 4 exlusive game to launching on several different platforms at once.
RiME Dev Diary #1
The first dev diary explores the background behind Tequila Works and some of the influences the developers had in making RiME.
RiME Dev Diary #2
If you’re curious about the influences behind the art direction of RiME and some of the music that we’ve heard in trailers advertising the game, this dev diary covers it all.
RiME Dev Diary #3
This third dev diary explores how the environment artists take the 2D art created by the concept artists and turn it into a living, breathing world for players to explore.