Report: Wii U sales reach 4.3 million

Wii U salesWii U sales have been up and down and all over the place since the console launched a year ago. After a slow start (and very slow Summer), Wii U sales are picking up worldwide thanks to new software from Nintendo.

Last week we reported that Wii U sold 230,000 units in North America in November, which, atop of Nintendo’s last official sales numbers and sales from Europe, the tally reaches 4.3 million Wii U consoles sold to date.

Nintendo expects sales to reach 9 million in the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2014. That means Nintendo has to sell 2 million Wii U consoles per month from now on — something that is highly unlikely to happen.

We don’t know how Nintendo intends to sell that many consoles when sales numbers obviously do not show that kind of momentum. However, sales have been picking up month to month for the last 5 months, which is great news.

The Wii U sold almost 50,000 units in Japan alone last week, thanks to Super Mario 3D World.

While it’s highly unlikely that Nintendo will meet their sales target, they can certainly keep the Wii U sales momentum by doing one thing: releasing great games.

Wii U sales have really picked up over the last 3 months, thanks to games such as Pikmin 3, Zelda Wind Waker HD, and Super Mario 3D Land.