Sandbox game Rawbots confirmed for Wii U

Over the past few months, we’ve seen an explosion of games seeking funding on Kickstarter that intend to support the Wii U upon release. This can be attributed to Nintendo lowering the requirements to be considered for a dev kit and it’s great news for those of us who love trying out new games. The latest game to seek funding with Wii U support is Rawbots, a multi-player sandbox style crafting game.

The game centers around building and programming your own robots, which you can then use in the game to alter the world around you. The creator of the Kickstarter likens the game to virtual Lego Mindstorm models, which seems to be a pretty apt comparison. Right now the creators are seeking $300,000 in order to create Rawbots. They’ve received $2,000 of that goal with 31 days left on the clock.

The basic tier of $20 will get you a copy of the game once its released, so if you like the above trailer and think it’s something you’d like to see in the Wii U eShop, consider supporting the Rawbots team.