Rare shows off the origins of Conker in Twelve Tales: Conker 64

With the release of Rare Replay on the Xbox One, fans of those old games can now replay them on a brand new system. Rare has also included tons of behind the scenes footage and developer interviews for the 30 games that are featured on the disc, including several never-before-seen looks at some of the games’ origins.

You might be extremely familiar with Conker’s Bad Fur Day, an M-rated Nintendo 64 game that’s known for its bawdy humor and over-the-top platforming. Before Conker morphed into Beavis and Butthead in squirrel form, he started life as a character in a game called Twelve Tales: Conker 64. Originally conceived as a cutesy project, fan backlash from yet another “cute platformer” led Rare to redesign the game for a more mature audience, leading to Bad Fur Day.

Some of the footage in this video has never been shown outside of this presentation, so definitely check it out if you’re interested in the origins of Conker.