Ralin – Dwarf Wars launches Kickstarter, coming to Wii U

Developer Ogardonix has just launched a Kickstarter for their upcoming roguelike RPG game, Ralin – Dwarf Wars. The game is already greenlit by Steam and will be coming to PC in the form of early access around a month after the current Kickstarter campaign finishes. The unique thing about this title is that the developers have been targeting a Wii U release for the game since it’s been in development, unlike many other Kickstarters where the Wii U is a distant stretch goal.

The team was confirmed as an official Nintendo developer in February and there’s even a playable alpha demo of the title, if you want to try it out on your PC before you decide to back the game. According to the Kickstarter page, the game will feature single-player, co-op, and a map editor is planned for later version of the game.

The game is supposed to be a return to hardcore RPGs with tons of dungeon crawling and a huge loot table for fans of loot. Either way, this is a project to keep your eye on as it’s ambitious and the developers have been working on it for nearly a year now. They’re seeking £45,000 in funding and the Kickstarter just launched today, so be sure to check it out.