Pokemon Go Fest is a complete shit-show, attendees issued refunds

This weekend’s Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago was supposed to be the first, big POkemon Go gathering, but it turned out to be a complete shit-show, to say the least.

The event was plagued by server issues, which meant that players couldn’t really play the game they traveled to Chicago to play. Things were so bad that once Niantic CEO John Kanke went on stage, players booed him and yelled “Fix our game!”.

Eventually, developer Niantic had to issue full refunds to attendees, and on top of that, each attendee got $100 worth of in-game PokeCoins.

It wasn’t just server issues: Niantic confirmed that the game had a bug that crashed the app and that there was an authentication issue as well. They’ve identified the bugs and are now working to fix them.