Poi is a newly announced Wii U game gathering funds on Kickstarter

3D story platformers are seeing a resurgence in interest after the success of Yooka-Laylee and PolyKid’s new game Poi looks to be in the same vein of platformer as Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario Sunsine. It’s got a gorgeous aesthetic and the Kickstarter just launched today. The team is seeking $80k in funding to help finish the game, which is currently set to debut on Steam and the Wii U. Stretch goals include releasing on the PlayStation 4.

According to the developer, you’ll have free-roam control through huge open world levels, as well as smaller challenge levels that contain hidden medallions you’ll have to find. Those who have played the Jak & Daxter series may remember a similar mechanic in collecting precursor orbs.

Be sure to check out the pitch above and visit the Kickstarter page to see more of the goregeous artwork that’s already been made. According to the page, three levels have been created, but the team needs to create three more with additional polish in order to make the game the best it can be.