PanicButton lets you hide all your naughty sites while at work… or anywhere

We know you check your Facebook in the office! I am always wondering about the internet when I find a friend or family member online. What is the first thing they say? “I may have to suddenly stop talking, as I am in the office.” Naughty you!

Lucky for you, there are developers out there who consider your needs. And if you are a Chrome user, PanicButton might just be one of your best options for your brief in-office internet adventures. This extension allows you to hide all your tabs with the click of a button. Or a combination of key presses you can customize to your liking.

One can also customize what site shows up after the PanicButton goes into action. Simply have it set to show Google, or the company’s site. The extension saves the hidden sites and it is just as easy to click the PanicButton again to make them re-appear. Unless you have it password-protected for enhanced security. And the PanicButton extension can even be hidden from your extension bar.

More seriously speaking, this is not only helpful for taking extra breaks at work. There are many instances in which one does not want another person to view what websites we are looking at. One could be looking for a nice anniversary gift and wants it to be a surprise. That is just one example, we are sure you can think of many other instances in which the PanicButton would be helpful.

It works just as expected, and I had no issues with it. So download away if you are trying to hide your naughty (or nice) websites!

Chrome Web Store: PanicButton