Nintendo: we don’t care how powerful the Xbox 720 and PS4 are

Nitnendo Satoru IwataNintendo’s upcoming Wii U console is more comparable to the current generation game systems when it comes to power and performance. The next gen systems from Microsoft and Sony will undoubtedly be very powerful, but that doesn’t bother Nintendo. The company simply “doesn’t care” how powerful the other consoles are. This comes from Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata, who told Gamasutra in a recent interview,

We just don’t care what kind of “more beef” console Microsoft and Sony might produce in 2013.

Iwata added that Nintendo’s focus is on how they can make the Wii U different from the other consoles on the market. The last time Nintendo competed on hardware specs and graphics alone was with the GameCube, which lost out to the PlayStation 2, despite being more powerful. Nintendo has since taken a radically different approach with the Wii, and now the Wii U.

When the Wii came out, it was criticized for being a “GameCube 2.0” and not a true next gen system like its rivals, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. However, the Wii proved everyone wrong and outsold the other consoles by a huge margin. Wii sales are now approaching 100 million units sold. While the Wii U probably won’t reach those kinds of sales, it has definitely positioned itself as a “different” console compared to the others. For Nintendo, “different” is good.

Via Gamasutra